Friday 5 September 2008

Spain offers stress-free move

Spain is one of the least stressful countries to move to, according to research from the currency company HiFX.
South Africa meanwhile, is the most stressful country to make the change to, closely followed by the US and Australia.
Moving abroad isn't just about moving your belongings and pursuing a new lifestyle.
Decamping to a different country means getting to grips with a whole new way of living - from the language you'll be speaking, to the money you'll be spending. And we live in flats, not in houses like you, Brits.
Lack of understanding about how crucial systems like tax and law work in a foreign country could lead to problems for an emigre.
Each year more than 385,000 people emigrate from the UK.
There are approximately 761,000 Brits currently living in Spain according to the Institute for Public Policy Research.

Cheers & take care!

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